Tales about Aviation, Coaching, Farming, Software Development

Philadelphia (KLOM) to Boston (KBED)

This is just a stub of an article about an IFR training flight from Wings Field, Philadelphia, to Hanscom Airport, Boston. More information will follow shortly.

Approaching Kennedy Airport, New York, at 6000ft. 10.8 NM to go:

Chart overview and flight plan on the right display (MFD):

Outside view: straight ahead is the JFK airport. ATC was quite busy.

That’s how we simulate flight in IMC on a bright sunny day:

And now the highlight of the trip: Me on N194TD talking to the Kennedy Approach controller in between all those airliners going into and out of the John F. Kennedy airport in New York: LiveATC recording of N194TD talking to Kennedy Approach. The recording has been stripped down to a few minutes. We were probably with that controller for about 45 minutes.

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